Sunday, August 10, 2008

An award and other pleasent events

this is speeding up! We got an award as a welcome gift from Mrs. OZ from THE CAT REALM.

Thank you very much for this! We are beginners and we'll do our very best to be worth this award. But we have a problem with our service stuff. Our Dad ist not a great writer, he likes more taking photos and our Mom doesn't like computers that much, because they never do what she wants them to do. She thinks she is hexed, because when Dad does exactly the same, it functions well.

So, what happend here in the last days?
Last week our Mom and Dad build a new room for us. We are sure, that all things, they do, they do for us. For example they cry out with enthusiasm when we use the handwoven carpet in the living room to sharpen our claws. Why use a scratching post, when they gave us such a nice gift to us to do scratching?
Back to the new room. As you can see it is obvious that this is our room.
By the way, how much cats can you see on the first photo (You'll get the answer in the next post)?

Because we are very tolerant, we allow one of the younger service stuff members to use the room and to warm up the bed for us.

Another Thing! We did this "needs meme" with google like Mrs. OZ. Very funny!
"Findus needs" gets only one hit but a realy true statement:
"Findus needs well-educated and trained employees"

"Smilla needs" gets more hits, but very funny too:
Smilla needs to be in control of the situation to feel good. Otherwise she gets impossible."
"Global Warming is causing the icecaps to melt so Smilla needs your help to rebuild them!"
Findus didn't like this one:
"And that
smilla needs to find somebody other than (him) to waste (her) time with for a quickie?"


Findus & Smilla


Agnes said...

a tiger and a cat
hah ...
and you love your cat~~

Olá sou Adrielle, mãe, mineira, casada e apaixonada pela vida. said...

Visite meu blog!

Beijos e abraços!

The Cat Realm said...

HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO - I LOVE those need returns of yours!
You'll do just fine in the blogging world!
And if you want more cats to come by - I can make an announcement on the Cat Blogophere if it is o.k. with you?
Mrs. OZ

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Findus & Smilla :) You two are very cute loving cats!!! I loved looking at your pictures :)
I saw your comment at Jake & Bathsheba's blog.
I hope to learn more about you too!!
Purrs Mickey

Findus & Smilla said...

Hi Mrs. OZ,
we think it would not be the right time now to anounce our blog because we are sending our stuff to a 3 week motivation course to Italy (Toscana). There they will be coached by our good friends Bjondor, Romeo, Pippi and Rambo. We will introduce them in our next blog.


Anonymous said...

Wow, your own room? How cool is that?

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Findus and Smilla!!!! we saw your pikshurs at Mickey's and thought we would come over and say HI!

Sammy and Miles Meezer and Billy SweetFeets Gingersnap